How Herbalism Changed My Life

Are you tired of trying to find vitamins & supplements that work for you & your body? Do you struggle with your digestive system, hormones, painful acne, mood swings, etc? You want to be healthier & care for your body but don’t know how or where to start! I have been there & I am here to share how herbalism can relieve the stress of the continuous search for answers so you can finally start feeling your best! Thanks to Ramona Tortorilla, herbalism has changed my life for the better. Herbalism is the practice of the medicinal & therapeutic use of plants. If you want an overall understanding of what’s going on inside your body & how it affects you on the outside, then herbalism is for you. Herbalism has helped my skin, digestive system, & overall mood in my everyday life. In this blog post, I will be going over:

  • What herbalism does for you

  • How it helped me

  • How you can start feeling better

What Herbalism Does for You

Not only has spiritual wellness helped me get to where I am today, but I also have implemented herbalism into my everyday routine so I have a better understanding of how my body operates & responds to everything. You can learn more about the most powerful wellness tips that changed my life here. Herbalism is much like the coaching I perform in the sense of understanding who the individual is, what their needs are, & how to get them to where they need to be with their unique & specific lifestyle. Ramona made me feel so welcome & she truly understood what I needed after I told her my symptoms & what I think needs to change. Like wellness coaching, herbalism goes in sessions & it demands flexibility from both the client & the herbalist.

My biggest concern going into my first session was my skin & how it affected my mood & confidence. I wanted to have clear, radiant skin that amplifies my inner beauty. I want to be confident in my own skin. I relayed that to Ramona & she informed me that almost everything that shows up on the physical capsule has to do with what is going on inside the physical body. She stated that my digestive system & supporting organs need to be functioning properly in order for me to start seeing results & feeling my best.

Using traditional Chinese herbalism, ayurvedic herbalism, & Western herbalism, she curated a formula that focused on my digestive & organ health that in return will improve my skin. She suggested some specific teas that will help as well. Her goal is not to drown you in pills & supplements, it’s to understand where most of the symptoms are coming from in the body & nurture that area. Usually, monthly sessions are recommended since Ramona wants to keep track of the progress & see if anything else needs to be improved as the sessions go along. Once you’re on track, you don’t have to meet that often, but it’s good to have an understanding of what your body likes & dislikes, supplement-wise.

How Herbalism Helped Me

I started to notice a significant difference in my digestive system within the first two weeks. Some of the improvements I started to see were unnoticeable symptoms when I had my first session with Ramona meaning I didn’t even fully realize how much my digestive system was affecting my entire body, inside & out. I stayed consistent with the supplements & tea she recommended for me & began to look & feel better. I am now able to pinpoint my concerns & why they may be happening. Once I pinpoint them, I can then determine what I would like to add or remove from my current routine to help me feel better. For example, if I feel that time of the month coming on, I create a formula with teas & different herbs to help soothe that area even more.

It has been over 12 months since I started to receive care from Ramona & I feel so much better about myself & my body. I understand that my skin will never be perfect, but I can regulate it & be confident in my own skin. As of now, I take three supplements a day along with drinking tea as often as possible. The amazing thing about herbalism is there is a cure for everything! Our earth provides us with medicine through plants & we are able to take advantage of that! For example, I told Ramona I wanted to focus on growing my hair & nails strong & healthy & she suggested a few different herbs for a loose tea & also sesame oil. Not only does sesame oil help strengthen the hair follicle, but it also helps soothe the brain & muscles. The smallest insight like that really excites me about how well I am able to take care of myself with herbalism.

How You Can Start Feeling Better

If you’re not sure where to begin with this information, but you want to try herbalism, listen up! Start with an internet search for a herbalist in your area. Ramona Tortorilla has available in-person appointments in her Omaha & Des Moines office, but she also offers Telehealth services if you’re not in that area! How cool is it to be virtual, but still feel so connected & can learn so much from Ramona? So cool! Check out Ramona Tortorilla here!

If there isn’t a herbalist in your area, start trying to understand what herbs might help you. Search your symptoms on a trusted site (Natural Remedies app is a great resource!) that will share what herbs you can start using to relieve any ailments you may have. Please don’t diagnose yourself; it is obviously ideal for you to meet with an herbalist first.

Herbalism allows you to start at the root of your problems, so when you bring awareness to one thing, it alleviates ten of your symptoms. Try herbalism & let me know how it works for you!


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