Effective Healing Modalities

If you are looking for effective & unique ways to heal your physical or mental stress, then you’ve come to the right place. I know there are so many people in our ears telling us we need to drink this, eat this, do this, etc. in order to not age & be beautiful for life! Yeah well, I believe we each have certain things for us to heal within us & we can choose in what ways we decide to heal. I will be mentioning practices I have personally used & not personally used, because each one of us is different. In this blog post, I will be going over:

  • Acupuncture, reiki & more unique healing modalities

  • Quick soothing healing practice for everyday life

Unique Healing Modalities

There are so many services within the wellness market & I truly believe if it feels right & intentional to you, go for it! Just please be aware of the services you are able to do on your own. Most people don’t want to admit their services can be used & performed by all. I will be sharing some services that I believe are worth the time & investment. Once again, only try them if they speak to you.

I love the practice of acupuncture & what it claims to do for healing. I know sufferers of migraines, neck pain, fibromyalgia, & other joint pain can feel the deep effects of acupuncture. If you don’t like being poked with needles, then I wouldn’t recommend it! Just like any other service out there, I consider the professional’s energy as well. If you go through a service & it wasn’t calming, relaxing, or made you uncomfortable, I would recommend switching the provider. There are only certain people you connect with, so don’t give up on the service completely!

Reiki is a form of energy healing through gentle touch & claims to be highly effective as well. This takes a certain level of vulnerability due to the fact you might react in an abnormal way than you’re used to. Reiki masters will make you aware of the emotions that might come up in your session. Many say people will cry or feel some type of weight or energy within the body. All reiki masters will do their service in a unique way, so I recommend reading up on the master & how they perform their sessions before you book.

Herbalism is a great healing modality if you are looking to do a deep dive into transforming the way you feel & look. Herbalism works from the inside, out. Each herbalist will have a process of how to figure out your symptoms, but I recommend getting an herbalist who wants to know you, your lifestyle, your daily habits, your relationship with food, etc. I am so grateful for my herbalist & all she has done for me. I have been able to upgrade my life physically & mentally because of the recommendations from my herbalist. Learn more about my herbalism journey here!

Another service that is often overlooked is reflexology. Reflexology is a therapeutic technique that uses the application of pressure to specific points on certain body parts. Pressure points on your ears, hands, & feet contain a direct correlation to the organs inside you. When we stimulate these areas, we can relieve stress, enhance circulation, & create balance within our bodies.

Simple Healing Practices to Use Everyday

Putting some essential oils behind your ears is an effective healing modality we all can use! For real though, there are so many small ways to create healing energy within us. My favorite practice is healing hands! Healing hands is a practice I learned from one of my spiritual life coach mentors & ever since he shared this practice, I use it very often. Our hands can create so much energy & force through friction & we can choose the type of energy we desire to have.

To perform this practice, set an intention of bringing healing energy into your hands & transferring that healing energy through touch. For example, if you're experiencing headaches you can place your hands on your head after you have gathered your healing energy & transfer it to your head. Put your hands together & rub them back & forth with force creating heat & friction as you call in all the healing energy. Imagining a source of light that contains healing energy helps you create even more healing energy.

Another practice that creates soothing energy for me is taking 3 deep breaths & remembering where I came from. I tend to do this practice when I feel overwhelmed & I need a quick fix to my anxiety! We can call this one, “let go of the ego practice.” To perform this, take 3 soothing breaths & set an intention to heal your mind. Let go of all the anger, hate, guilt, or whatever feeling that is no longer serving you, release it. Once you have taken your deep breaths, you can close your eyes & imagine yourself being picked up from where you are & you’re starting to fly around the universe. Imagine what you would see & how you would feel. Stay in that space for as long as you want, but when you’re ready to come back to your reality, you can imagine being put down lower & lower, as if you’re landing an airplane. Remember your reality for what it is & realize you can gain a new perspective.


The Basics Of Wellness