The Basics Of Wellness

This blog post is for people just getting into wellness & truly understanding what it’s like to incorporate wellness into their lives. It’s not as complicated as it seems, but it isn’t necessarily easy either. Showing yourself grace & kindness requires patience & an understanding that progress takes time. These are my most frequently asked questions when sharing what wellness entails. In this blog post, I will go over:

  • Key to living a happy life

  • How to feel less sluggish each day

  • How to live each day with less anxiety

  • How to become more soul-aligned

Discovering what it’s like to take care of yourself through wellness practices will give you an abundance of tools & tricks up your sleeve for any circumstance that comes up in your life! Not only will these answers ease your mind, but they will teach you about necessary life lessons. When we know these life lessons, we can thrive in any situation!

Key to Living a Happy Life

The life you are wanting to live is waiting for you. It is waiting for you to choose to be happy. Happiness, just like everything else in this world, is a perception. What brings you happiness is not guaranteed to make the next person happy. That is for a reason! Different things are meant to make different people happy because we all have different roles here in the physical world. We are all meant to fulfill our happiness in this lifetime. When you follow your biggest dreams, others follow, which means that energy is multiplied. Happiness is created by having high vibrational energy. High vibrational energy allows you to feel your emotions & understand everything in your life happens for a reason.

We can choose to see our daily life in the way we desire. If you are just getting up & riding the waves of life, try to set an intention every morning. How do you want to feel today regardless of what happens? How do you want to feel even when things don’t go your way? Choose to be excited about your day. Look at the positives in each situation. Start noticing your responses to things that you perceive as inconvenient to you. Are you getting upset instead of accepting & changing your perspective?

Once you have set your intentions, most of the time things will work out for you, because your perspective is in a positive light. You will be vibrating at a higher vibration, which brings you more positive energy, & who doesn’t love that? You will still have bad days but understand that everything we go through teaches us something. You can’t control what happens to you, but you can control how you react. Become lighter in the sense that you have the confidence that everything will work out in your favor because you deserve it.

How to Feel Less Sluggish Each Day

It all begins with your intentions. Get clear on why you want to feel better & what you need to work on to do so. Be willing to change & improve your lifestyle. Start implementing a night or morning routine- whichever feels best for your body. Make sure your routine contains affirmations that spark your inner light, at least 5 minutes of meditation, & whatever way you would like to show gratitude. When your routine gets stale for you, switch up your focus & intention. Journal out your feelings & read what you need to work on by noticing patterns of emotions, environments, people, etc. You can find a way to implement a new habit or work on releasing a habit that aligns with your intentions to become more grounded. Start small & be patient with yourself. Think of the basics- good sleep, good relationship with food, & keeping your environment clean. If you can upgrade those 3 things, you will start to notice a difference in your energy levels!

How to Live Each Day with Less Anxiety

Everyone who suffers from anxiety knows there are still thoughts of anxiousness even when you have managed your anxiety. That is normal. The goal is to get to a point where those thoughts are easily pinpointed & managed, so it doesn’t affect your mental state in the way they used to. Anxiety stems from focusing on a cluster of thoughts that comes back to a memory or a belief that is triggering for you. When we cling to a certain thought, that thought grows & different thoughts come with it (usually more negative thoughts). When we accept the memory or the belief for what it is & consciously release it through meditation, action steps, & affirmations, we can begin to form a new perspective about this trigger we have. That belief or memory was obviously a pivotal moment for you in your life, understand that it does affect you, but you are choosing to not let it control your thoughts anymore.

Once you have taken the step to accept and release, all the thoughts attached to that memory or belief will disappear. If they come into your mind again, you understand why & you can consciously release it at that moment. You can use affirmations to help you release, such as “I am choosing to consciously release these thoughts. I am creating space for positive & uplifting thoughts that make me feel good about myself.” You will start to live life with more ease and less worry.

Remember to set your daily intentions to help you focus on the positive each day & you deserve to live a life full of ease & joy. Creating a balanced relationship with food & a fluid exercise routine will help you a lot as well. We tend to store stresses inside the muscles & organs of the body, so it’s good to create movement, which then creates space. We can fill that space with intentional positivity. Once you start caring for your mental health, your physical health will soon follow & work in your favor.

How to Become More Soul-Aligned

Becoming soul-aligned takes awareness, patience, & compassion. The main focus of being soul-aligned is to clear the space within your mind & your physical life to retrain your subconscious so it can start working in your favor by sending positive thoughts to your mind & to know who you are as a soul. These positive thoughts will fuel you & that is the end goal! Although it is a never-ending journey, you are able to start feeling better right now!

Start to become more aware of your emotions & feelings towards certain things. Whatever catches your attention was meant to be noticed. Don’t become so hyperfocused that you live inside your head all the time, but it is good to recognize what triggers you. Go easy on yourself- life is all about your experiences. Once you begin to notice thoughts, emotions, & mental states, you will start to connect the dots within your mind, the thoughts to the belief, the thoughts to the triggering memory, the action to the thoughts, etc. You will start to notice your subconscious (the automatic response) needs to be retrained in some areas.

Recognizing yourself as a soul lets you release the weight of societal expectations. You start to understand what your purpose is in this life & how you can live out your purpose in a fulfilling way for yourself & others. Our goal is to know ourselves best. Once we know more about ourselves, the way we perceive things, our boundaries, & our own definition of morals & values, we can start surrounding ourselves with like-minded people & environments that are welcoming & comforting to us. Be patient with yourself & understand that change takes time. The process can get overwhelming, so it’s good to establish grounding exercises that work best for you. (Meditation, deep breathing, affirmations, nature walks, etc.)


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