The Magic of Essential Oils

There are so many of us suffering from pain & discomfort, whether it’s physical or mental. As a society, we are rushed & accustomed to taking care of others before ourselves. I recommend you try some natural remedies! Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup!

Having struggled with mental & physical pain for years- mostly migraines & neck/back pain, I found one of the most natural ways to help relieve it, essential oils! They have changed my life, honestly. In this quick blog post, I will go over:

  • What essential oil brands I trust & recommend

  • How to decide what essential oils to use for your specific pain

I know it can be an uphill battle for us who suffer from any kind of pain in the body. Let’s get into how we can help ease your pain.

What Essential Oil Brands I Trust & Recommend

When picking out essential oils to use, I recommend you get them directly from the brand’s website & avoid outside carriers. Some brands are using their Amazon storefront, but I would look into reviews & the authenticity of the brand before purchasing. I use the brand, Young Living & I have heard great things about Plant Therapy. The essential oils you choose need to be all-natural. Make sure to look at the ingredients!

If you want to go to a physical store, Whole Foods has a good selection along with any other natural nutrition store. I’m sure there is one in your area, you might just have to do some searching! There are plenty of sources that will go in-depth about which brands they recommend and why. Check this out! This site also has some great recommendations for any of your health concerns, along with the app, Natural Remedies.

How to Determine Which Essential Oils Are Best For You

When picking out which essential oils to use, most of them have what they are used for right on the bottle! There are so many natural ingredients that they have formulated to help us with a bunch of things- all the way from hair growth remedies to muscle relief. I personally use essential oils for both!

Lavender & Eucalyptus are great pain relievers. Lavender calms & relaxes while Eucalyptus is cooling on the area. Peppermint is used as an anti-inflammatory & has a cooling effect as well. Peppermint is great for anyone with an irritable stomach as it helps with nausea. Helichrysum oil relieves muscle inflammation & pain along with rosemary oil. Rosemary oil is also used for hair growth. Ginger oil has a warming effect like clove oil on sore muscles. Juniper oil is used to ease tension & spasms in muscles. There are many, many essential oils out there! Don’t feel the need to try them all either, get the ones specific to your pain.

When applying essential oils, they are potent & all-natural, so you are recommended to dilute them with a ‘carrier oil’ like coconut, olive, or organ oil. Apply small amounts & if you feel you need more, use more. Personally, I put essential oils around my neck and shoulders along with my legs when they are sore. I also put them on the temples of my head & behind my ears. Please be careful putting essential oils directly on the skin too often- they will irritate your skin barrier. Essential oils are also great for baths to relax the muscles & your mind! They also have many roll-on essential oils for on-the-go! I like to use essential oils for immunity as well! When I feel a cold coming on, essential oils are my best friend for a few days & then I put them back for when I need them again!


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